I have now finished not only my front cover, but my contents page too! The contents page has taken me so so long to do and for it to look right, but I eventually got there in the end.
This is the picture that I decided to use for the contents page. My idea behind it was that the masthead would run across the top and down the left hand side there would be a box for the text and the picture would be the background. Her hair would flow across the page and underneath the box.
Once choosing the picture, I then had to edit it in Photoshop to adjust the brightness levels.
After I finished editing, it was time to apply the masthead. However, I realised that there wasn't much room on top for it to go, without it covering her head. So, I moved the image down, and cut and pasted the background onto the white space on top so that there was room for a masthead.
I chose to do a big and bold masthead, saying "CONTENTS", in the colour white. The font is called 'Babas Kai' and it is the biggest size on the page. I put a black stroke around the edges of the word and a slight drop shadow behind it to make it stand out a little bit more.
Underneath the masthead on the right, I wrote the date/issue of the magazine, which is May 2016, which is also in the font of 'Babas Kai', but it is a bit smaller in size. This doesn't have a stroke or drop shadow on it, as it is not as important as the main masthead.
Together this is what it looks like:
The contents tells you what is inside the magazine and below is my contents page and what is included in my magazine. I have divided my contents page into different sections with subheadings for each. One is music, one is fashion and one is features. Each subheading is in the font of 'steelfish' and is in the colour white. Each side of the subheadings is a red line, which matches the red numbers referencing the pages. Under each subheading are the key contents, which are in the font of 'Babas Kai' and in a large size to be eye-catching. Then under these is a brief summary of what that page will include, which is in the font of 'minion pro' and slightly smaller. The numbers that refer to the pages are in the font of minion pro and are in bold italic. The text is inside a box that is tinted a light white. One box runs down the left hand side and the other is a small box in the bottom right hand corner.
Also on the double page spread is a box in the left hand corner that has extras in the magazine. It is titled, 'Also this month' and includes two extra articles in the magazine. I created the banner itself and then coloured it red to match the colour scheme. Then I made the writing white to stand out and in the font of 'steelfish'. The actual box itself is coloured just an off white and it has a red border.
I then got a picture of a One Direction concert I had been to so that I could put it in the magazine and then did a small photo shoot of my friend so that she could be the 'girl' for the extra article.

The text inside the box is 'minion pro', apart from the words 'FOCUS', which are in 'Babas Kai'.
This is the final product of the contents page:
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