Thursday, 17 September 2015

Important definitions

Below are some definitions that I have recently picked up on and I think that will be important to me when constructing my magazine.

Media language is when the media text communicates to the audience and how the media texts are constructed. 

Representation is the construction of reality in media text.

Audience – consumers of media text.

Mise-en-scene – everything else in the frame e.g. clothes, props, lights.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

First post

Hey, I'm Niamh!

This is my first blog post where I will be introducing my AS Media Studies Coursework.
It will include a preliminary task, the research and planning, the production of my final product and the evaluation. I have chosen for my final task to do  print, which will be a music magazine, which will consist of a front cover, contents page and a double page spread.
I hope you enjoy the journey through my coursework.

Take care,
